Credits and Thanks


Young trans and non-binary people, academics and artists have all worked together on this project. We’d like to thank – 

All the trans and gender diverse young people who shaped the project at the initial history workshops.

The older trans and gender diverse people who shared their stories and the younger trans and gender diverse people who interviewed them. 

The trans and gender diverse young writers who made up the Writer’s Room – both the in-person and online versions – in which the characters and overall themes of the piece were developed. 

Bon O’Hara (Gendered Intelligence), Dr Ruth Pearce, Faryal Velmi for helping to shape the project in crucial ways.


These works were really influential when writing our script:

Article by Travis Alabanza called “Non Binary People Aren’t A New Phenomenon – We’ve Been Here As Long As Humans Have Existed”

Cheryl Morgan talk – A short history of gender

Trans: Adventurers Across Time and Space by MJ Barker

CN Lester talk – The shock of the new: cultural amnesia, trans erasure, and what we can do about it

The first time-travelling collaboration between Jason Barker, Jana Funke and young trans people from Gendered Intelligence

Article by Ralf Dose, Magnus Hirschfeld Society, Berlin “Thirty Years of Collecting Our History – Or: How to Find Treasure Troves”, 2012 

Website concept & design by Zed @theythemstudio

They would like to thank all of the wormhole contributors, Rich Holding at Exeter for technical assistance & Joe Wilson & Qwaves for lending us their animation.


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